S.O.S. Sostegno orfani speciali

S.O.S. Sostegno orfani speciali

Project name: S.O.S.- Sostegno Orfani Speciali 
Funding body: Con i Bambini 
Call for proposals: A braccia aperte – Initiative in favour of orphans of victims of domestic crimes 
Lead partner: Centri Antiviolenza E.M.M.A. Onlus 
Period: February 2022 – February 2025 

The project called S.O.S.- Sostegno Orfani Speciali, proposed by CENTRI ANTIVIOLENZA E.M.M.A. ONLUS of Turin, promotes the implementation of interventions for the care, training and socio-occupational inclusion of minors who have become orphans as a result of domestic crimes. 

S.O.S also becomes a point of reference for foster families and caregivers in managing new responsibilities and accompanying young people. 

The interventions are meant to create or strengthen where existing the network of actors dealing with special orphans. 

The project aims not only to raise awareness of the phenomenon, but also to identify methodological practices for appropriate support, to create guidelines to be test in the following years and foster the opening of a Regional Specialised Centre through the creation of a Territorial Operative Network and a Professional Multidisciplinary Team to test and adopt good practices for taking care of special orphans. 

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