Our Values

CGM promotes an innovative and inclusive model of social enterprise, supporting a vision of social and economic impact development for the well-being of citizens and the community development.

È proprio la varietà dei settori a testimoniare come la nostra Rete sia una realtà viva, attenta alle domande e ai bisogni del territorio e delle comunità, con un grado di innovazione molto alto che rende CGM una piattaforma di scambio e confronto con e per le imprese sociali.

Cgm promuove un modello di impresa sociale innovativo e inclusivo, sostenendo una visione di sviluppo sociale ed economico a impatto per il benessere dei cittadini e lo sviluppo della comunità.


1. Future

We support the right to inclusion of children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly who live also in fragile contexts, committing ourselves to building a future accessible to all in communities.

2. Well-being

We promote the spread of well-being in communities by seeking solutions and answers to the emerging needs of people with the aim of making welfare accessible to all and promoting the social integration of vulnerable or at-risk individuals.


3. Work

We sustain the supported employment and the search for decent work for all, with the aim of participating in economic growth that is inclusive and sustainable.

4. Inclusive communities

We are committed to bringing people back to the heart of development of inclusive communities that provide opportunities, services, and resources for all.


5. Alliances

Through alliances at a national and international level, we work to reduce inequalities, to improve access to services and the spread of the economic business model.