Gino Mattarelli

CGM was born from the thought and commitment of Gino Mattarelli, member of parliament, manager and one of the pioneers of social cooperation. The CGM Consortium is named after him. Around Mattarelli the first national nucleus of managers was formed and, from the mid-1980s, began to concretely imagine the Constitution of the Consortium and the National Federation.


Our history begins

CGM is founded on 11 February 1987 in Forlì under the presidency of Felice Scalvini with whom is formed an integrated entrepreneurial system organized on three levels: the level of individual cooperatives, the level of local or territorial consortia and the level of the national consortium.

From Forlì CGM moves to Milan in 1991 and to Brescia in 1999, during the second term of presidency of Livia Consolo. She introduces topics such as quality and certification in the development of service chains and consequently institutional projects.

The structure of the CGM Network stems from the idea that only the small size enables to acknowledge the very real problems of people (the social cooperative active in the area), but the small size alone is inadequate to solve the faults of the system, the structural inequalities, the economic drifts. That’s why we are organized as a network that holds local dimension and national scale together.


What have we become?

In 2005, with the presidency of Johnny Dotti, the CGM Cooperative Group is born with the aim of promoting an idea of ​​entrepreneurship through the development of four subsidiaries: Mestieri job agency, Accordi for supported employment, Luoghi per Crescere for the innovation of socio-educational services, and Comunità Solidali for the development of services and centres for mental health.

With the presidency of Claudia Fiaschi, begun in 2009, CGM enters the research phase on hybrid models, that is business models aimed at keeping the social mission and the commercial activities together. This phase continues with Stefano Granata, elected in 2013, who expands the Group by acquiring Cooperjob and developing the welfare sector that will become CGMoving in 2020.

In 2019 Giuseppe Bruno succeeds and inaugurates his mandate with a Convention intended as stage zero of a path aimed at recomposing, strengthening, and expanding the CGM network, he then enables the cooperatives themselves to join the consortium directly.


What future do we imagine?

The reasons we were born are still relevant today. Economic and social crisis that has become now structural, youth unemployment, changes in welfare, and limits of capacity in the public sphere make us to rethink the meaning of acting together; with one certainty: the economy needs people capable of vision to transform ideas into projects for everyone.